via: The Film Experience
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
First Look: Brave

Entertainment Weekly has a first look at Pixar's latest flick, the mystical Scottish fairy tale Brave. It's been on my radar for several years now, since it was The Bear and the Bow. Never a studio to rest on its laurels (well, aside from the so-so Cars and its presumably so-so sequel), this one sounds like a neat change of pace and an interesting twist on the familiar Disney fairy tale template.
The film is Pixar's first with a female co-director (The Prince of Egypt's Brenda Chapman), first foray into the fairy tale and, realistically, their first with a strong female character. The case has been made for Eve, but (a) she's a non-sexual entity, a robot, and (b) Wall·E is the real star of the show, even if Eve is the heroic no-nonsense type. In Brave, Kelly Macdonald (Trainspotting, No Country for Old Men, the under-seen gem Merry Gentleman) will voice Merida, a tomboy princess who embarks on a journey to right a (currently vague) wrong.
I've been a fan of Macdonald's ever since No Country for Old Men. Interestingly, she tends to get cast as either Scottish or Irish a lot (she's also great in HBO's Boardwalk Empire), even though she did a bang-up job with an American accent for the Coen brothers. To me, her performance as Carla Jean, the only character with an actual arc, was deserving of Oscar recognition.
Here, Macdonald replaces Reese Witherspoon, which is a welcome switch even if it means she's once again been type-casted. Witherspoon isn't a bad actress, per se, but it's hard to think of her as a warrior princess. Macdonald, however, has the chops to pull it off.

Concept art,
Kelly Macdonald,
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Who's ready for tea?

Again, I try to separate my work from my extracurriculars as much as possible, but I thought I'd share an article I put some degree of effort into. Whatever your own views of the Tea Party may be, it's easy to understand why many adherents get defensive when it comes to their coverage in the media. As with many subjects that become fodder for the big, bad media machine, things get simplified for the masses and, through that process, various factions and issues get conflated and come to be identified as one and the same. I tried, at very least, to be fair.
Photo credit: Richard Holden.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
First Look: Carnage

Empire Magazine has posted a first look at Carnage, Roman Polanski's next film and an adaptation of the Tony Award-winning Yasmina Reza play about a meeting between two sets of parents that devolves into a Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf-style shit storm. I'm usually not into these types of melodramas, but the cast is populated with fantastic actors who aren't known for over-doing it. Plus, the play (adapted from the original French by Reza and Polanski) is supposed to be quite funny in a biting, backhanded way.
In it, Jodie Foster and the perpetually under-rated John C. Reilly play Penelope and Michael, the more provincial of the two couples. Based on the Wikipedia plot synopsis (and assuming the film sticks to the original play despite changing a few of the names), Michael is an upwardly-mobile wholesaler and Penelope is a writer. Nancy (Kate Winslet) and Alan (Christoph Waltz), meanwhile, are more comfortable flouting their wealth and power. Alan is a cell phone-addicted attorney and Nancy's made a career of managing her husband's wealth.
I tend to run hot and cold with Polanski, both as a person and a filmmaker. I can relate to his troubles (Holocaust survivor, the Tate murder), but can't excuse his very selfish, short-sighted behavior, both in 1977 and today. Likewise, he's made some of my favorite films (Chinatown, Knife in the Water, Rosemary's Baby), yet some of the films that have garnered him enormous praise leave me completely cold. Cinematography and art direction aside, I didn't get all the love for the merely serviceable thriller The Ghost Writer. And cult-favorites Repulsion and Cul-de-sac are a little too self-aware to be anything other than documents of their time.
These days, I get the impression that Polanski is just happy to still be working and striving to make the best films he can. The inflated ego that was the root of his troubles has evaporated with age (I hope anyway). With this cast and more workmanlike Polanski, I've developed high hopes for Carnage. Maybe they'll pay off.
Friday, March 25, 2011
More Explosions in the Sky

Explosions in the Sky, who have been and always will be awesome in my book, have a new album coming out. And, like all the cool bands these days, they are passing out free samples. Admittedly, the tune being shared, called "Trembling Hands" isn't playing in the same emotional sandbox as their other albums have, but there's enough there to pique my interest.
If you've yet to be initiated, give their last album, All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone, or their soundtrack for the show Friday Night Lights, a spin. Utterly beautiful stuff.
Explosions in the Sky,
instrumental rock,
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Richard Leacock, 1921-2011

Richard Leacock, the British cameraman and documentarian behind some of the most influential films of the last century, including Louisiana Story, Monterey Pop and the JFK/Humphrey showdown Primary, has died. He's one of those people who've made a lasting impact on our culture, as a key purveyor of cinéma vérité or "fly on the wall" cinema, but never developed a strong following or recognizable name. His camera work was simple and clean, focused on the characters and their surroundings as they were. That's not to say his films aren't beautifully framed, but he was a great at capturing the beauty and significance of ordinary and extraordinary lives.
Louisiana Story, which was directed by Robert J. Flaherty (of Nanook of the North), is one of my favorite films, period. Leacock's camera goes into the heart of the bayou and out onto oil derricks, to places that few films documentary or feature (Story straddles that line) have gone before or since. Some of the shots he achieves with just a handful of actors, an outboard and a camera have to be seen to be believed. It's available on Netflix Instant, so if you've never heard of it (or Leacock), please check it out.
Obviously, there's also the sad news of Elizabeth Taylor's passing, but I don't feel the same connection to her work. I don't doubt her potency as a star and her skill as an actress, but for me Taylor is still most closely tied to the awful perfumes she hocked and her photo-ops at pal Michael Jackson's creepy Neverland Ranch. But now is as good a time as any to revisit her more substantial work.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Pigeon-toed Orange Peel

For some reason, YouTube uncoolly prohibits embedding of this awesome clip from the 1968 Don Siegel-Clint Eastwood flick Coogan's Bluff. But do yourself a favor and check it out anyway. And while you're at it, go see the movie, too. It's one of the films from that era, together with Our Man Flint and Cactus Flower, that becomes hip by its sheer insistence on not being hip.
Like those other films, it has some interesting ideas about what the hippie scene was like. Those happen to include evil bohemians, fluorescent neon dance floors and naked, body-painted dancers who slide into Clint Eastwood's arms from roof-mounted zip lines. I'm sure Clint got a kick out of that.
Clint Eastwood,
Coogan's Bluff,
Don Siegel,
Sunday, March 20, 2011
A roadmap to the world of sci-fi

A fascinating graphic tracing the evolution of science fiction has cropped up via one of my favorite blogs, Strange Maps. Throughout my life I've gone through phases with specific sci-fi authors (Poe, Wells, Lovecraft, Bradbury), but never really with the genre as a whole. This map, however, does a fascinating job placing some of the familiar names and classic works in their cultural context. Through its Jules Verne-ish tentacles, it traces the separate threads of art, mythology, philosophy and science and how developments in each played into the growth of the literature (and, as a consequence, film as well). You could spend an hour or more poring over the map and still find interesting new avenues and intersections. If nothing else, it provides a cheat sheet of necessary reading.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Never Too Late: Things We Lost in the Fire

Watching Things We Lost in the Fire, I was confident that the screenplay had been adapted from a novel or a play, or possibly a foreign film (its director is Susanne Bier, the Danish auteur behind Brothers and this year’s Foreign Oscar winner In a Better World). It’s not that the film itself is literary or stagey, starched by its devotion to some exterior source material. The cinematography is actually quite striking and the sets are fluid and deliberately assembled. The simple fact is that few movies get made like this anymore. It’s a very simple film whose sole concern is its characters, in the same vein as classics like The Best Years of Our Lives or Friendly Persuasion or The Sundowners.
The film is so observant of its characters, so focused on the beats and nuances of human life, so assured that the story it’s telling is the right one, that it doesn’t seem possible that it could be an “original” idea. In truth, Things We Lost in the Fire is a spec script from Allan Loeb, an unknown at the time the film was made in 2007 who is now just about everywhere. (Everywhere, unfortunately, includes such clunkers as 21, The Switch, The Dilemma and the Adam Sandler vehicle Just Go with It. His descent into schlock is inexplicable, but at least he’s working.)

Recently widowed by a sudden, violent act, Audrey Burke (Halle Berry) invites her husband Brian’s (David Duchovny) heroin-addict childhood friend Jerry (Benicio Del Toro) into her home. Once he’s there, the pair walk a delicate tightrope. Audrey is uncomfortable with how easily Jerry assimilates into the family, including her two young children, Harper and Dory. Jerry is uncomfortable with the burgeoning sexual attraction between he and Audrey and with the instability that’s a byproduct of Audrey’s grief (in one scene, she asks him what shooting heroin is like, telling him she wants to “escape”).
The overarching plot is actually a bit thin, but like a good novel the devil is in the details. Loeb and Bier reward attentive viewers by meting out insights into the characters. The screenplay is interested in the little white lies characters tell themselves and others. To get Jerry into her home, Audrey tells him she has a mortgage to pay and his eventual rent payments will make that easier to bear. We later find out that her deceased husband has left his family comfortably well-off. Meanwhile, Brian co-opted one of Jerry’s sage pieces of advice and Jerry has co-opted Brian’s two kids as his own, interestingly to avoid a romantic advance.
Supporting characters are similarly well-drawn. John Carroll Lynch (the creepy squirrel-keeper in Zodiac) plays an affable neighbor, quietly hating his domineering wife. Alison Lohman (Drag Me to Hell) is a former addict who has gotten her shit together and hopes to help Jerry do the same, although she has some ulterior motives herself. Audrey’s family, including Omar Benson Miller (Spike Lee’s gentle giant in Miracle at St. Anna) and Paula Newsome (a familiar face but unknown name from various TV shows), are at once supportive and stifling.
Also important are the complex issues that are, just like life, left to drift away from the character’s grasps. The film doesn’t try to answer all the questions for us and doesn’t apologize for not doing so, either.

The most important character arc is Audrey’s and Halle Berry does a magnificent job as a woman blindsided by grief but holding it together for her children. In quiet moments with Jerry, away from the prying eyes of family and neighbors and her own children, she reveals the turmoil roiling underneath. Finally, after it’s clear that her children are progressing through their own grief, Audrey breaks down. But even then Berry doesn’t over-do it. Her performance is wrenching but never melodramatic.

Del Toro gets the showier role in the film, but he exercises a similar restraint. Every step of the way, his character is confused about his place in his adoptive family. He takes pains not to overstep his bounds, and yet he still crosses them. Later, when the audience is let in on the physical pains he goes through withdrawing from heroin, Del Toro's suffering is very real. I’ve never witnessed the process myself, thankfully, but it seems like a good approximation. He’s enthralling and yet not a sideshow.
It’s unfortunate that Things We Lost in the Fire didn’t get the attention it richly deserved back in 2007, when it was dumped into theaters with little fanfare. Since then, Bier has gone back to her native Denmark and made award-winning films, content to avoid the Hollywood system that tossed her a bone and then kicked her back to the curb. Halle Berry took a long hiatus and gave the Oscars another go with the multiple-personality drama Frankie & Alice. I haven’t seen it, but it seems like a move made out of desperation. Del Toro spent a year in the jungle with Steven Soderbergh on Che and picked up a kudos from Cannes for his effort, although little else. The Wolfman, his first real attempt at a blockbuster, blew up in his face last year. The next place to you can see the work of Allan Loeb, who showed such promise here, will be So Undercover, a Miley Cyrus sorority comedy. Angels cry.
Three of them should be a lot farther in their (Hollywood) careers given the tour de force that is Things We Lost in the Fire. Alas, they only get a thumbs up from me, nearly four years after the fact.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Starry, starry Midnight in Paris

The teaser poster for Woody Allen's latest European vacation project, Midnight in Paris, has arrived and it steals from the best. Although the reference material, Vincent Van Gogh's iconic 1889 painting "The Starry Night," is less than inspired, it's a beautiful, evocative poster.
I've had a feeling since the first time I read about the fully formed project that this might be one of Woody's keepers. It's been a few years (and a few duds) since his last, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, and a long time since a certified Grade-A classic (for me, that's 1989's Crimes and Misdemeanors, followed by 1987's criminally under-rated Radio Days).
I don't really know what the plot is (I'm guessing a breezy romance romp), but the film is composed of some of the nicest, warmest, most charming actors on the planet: Kathy Bates (ok, so sometimes she's a psychopath, ala Misery, but what about About Schmidt?), Rachel McAdams (Ms. Bay Breeze from Red Eye), Michael Sheen (the unloveable Brit from 30 Rock) and Owen Wilson (goofy in everything). Adrien Brody and Marion Cotillard are admittedly pretty aloof screen presences, but you need to balance all the golden sunshine, don't you?
And, finally, the title had me sold from the get-go. Full of mystery of cosmopolitan hijinx.
Check out the full poster at Awards Daily, who are apparently not so high on the starry night theme.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Whole Lotta Tree of Life

Collider, via the crafty Russian (don't they manage to get everything?) site Kinopoisk, has a selection of some of the 70 Tree of Life stills that surfaced today. The images have mysteriously vanished from Kinopoisk, so if you're interested in getting a sneak peak of Terrence Malick's new film, you should probably act fast.
Moreso than Malick, it's cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki (Children of Men, The New World) that has me eagerly awaiting this one. The man is a master with light and, from these stills, he clearly hasn't lost his touch. There's a very distinct Edward Hopper-feel to the stills, particularly the one above, that I like. Even though Hopper was painting for a good five or so decades, his work always feels like the '50s to me. I'd relish the film that finally takes advantage of that association (even if it's only me that makes it).
Edward Hopper,
Emmanuel Lubezki,
Terrence Malick,
Tree of Life
Sunday, March 13, 2011
3D for the masses?

I wanted to pass along this article I stumbled across about two Estonian brothers who've developed a relatively inexpensive 3-D camera system. By inexpensive, we're talking about $88,000 USD. You won't be filming Timmy's birthday party in 3-D anytime soon, but when you compare it to the tens of millions James Cameron sank into his Avatar technology, it's impressive.
No reliable word on the image quality yet, but I imagine this could open 3D up to indie filmmakers, which could be a very good or bad thing depending on your view of the technology. In my eyes, some films lend themselves to 3D and some don't. There's no justifiable reason (except financially) to retroactively 3D-ify a film like Clash of the Titans or splurge on a third dimension for a concert film or run-of-the-mill comedy. But it would've been interesting to see a film like Enter the Void with that extra dimension.
To no one's surprise, James Cameron is reportedly the first buyer of one of these 3D-in-one-camera set-ups and Werner Herzog already used the technology (rented) for Cave of Forgotten Dreams, his 3D documentary of the Chauvet caves in southern France.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Ten Films to Watch in 2011
This is about the time each year when a film buff's dance card begins to fill up with the hum of most anticipated-this, awards contender-that. Hype aside, here are some of the films I'm keeping an eye on, and think you should, too. Inevitably some will disappoint and others will shine for posterity. The fun is in predicting which ones are which.

I purposefully avoided the films that are already well-anticipated. There's no need for me to join in the chorus trumpeting Terence Malick's long-awaited Tree of Life. Similarly, it's unnecessary for me to go through the latest from Cronenberg (the Jung/Freud face-off A Dangerous Method), Fincher (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo remake), Scorsese (the kid-friendly epic Hugo Cabret) and the double-dips from Soderbergh (Contagion and Haywire) and Spielberg (Tintin and War Horse). Never mind that I just did, but here's the off-the-radar films I'm looking forward to in 2011:
The Assassin (Taiwan, dir. Hou Hsiao-Hsien)
The Taiwanese director has been a regular at Cannes and has consistently produced films that are at once epic and intimate (A City of Sadness, The Puppetmaster). His latest follows a female assassin who was kidnapped as a child and trained to kill ruthlessly. Even though the hit[wo]man-in-existential-crisis genre has worn out its welcome somewhat, I'm a sucker for a good one and this one might be it.

The Deep Blue Sea (U.K., dir. Terence Davies)
Based on a 1952 British play, The Deep Blue Sea stars Rachel Weisz as the suicidal wife of an alcoholic former R.A.F. pilot who strikes up a friendship with another social outcast. The plot sounds a bit stuffy (it was previously adapted as a 1955 Vivien Leigh-Kenneth More film), but Weisz is an actress who always bring a natural warmth to her roles. She's made a few clunkers recently, particularly The Lovely Bones, but she's a welcome screen presence.
Detachment (U.S., dir. Tony Kaye)
Tony Kaye has had a rough time of it since 1998's American History X, a heartwrenching film about broken families and intolerance and a personal favorite. Films were held up in legal battles, found new directors or simply didn't get much attention. The plot for this one — a chronicle of teachers and administrators' struggles in an inner-city school — doesn't inspire much confidence. But the director and the cast, including Adrien Brody, Bryan Cranston, Marcia Gay Harden and Mad Men's Christina Hendricks, do.
Melancholia (Denmark, dir. Lars von Trier)
No slight against her as an actress, but the presence of Kirsten Dunst is the only thing that gives me pause about this one. It’s probably a function of her affinity toward difficult, niche audience films (Marie Antoinette, How to Lose Friends, All Good Things), but they always seem to have troubled productions that delay release for several years. This one, from self-conscious provocateur Lars von Trier (the abominable Antichrist), takes a ground-level view of a When Worlds Collide-style apocalypse. Seems right up Trier’s alley. As long as there’s no genital mutilation or self-martyrdom, I’m up for it.
Now (U.S., dir. Andrew Niccol)
Since producing his sci-fi masterpiece Gattaca, Niccol has had a slew of long-gestating, problematic or just plain failed productions. S1m0ne and Lord of War had a lot of good qualities, but both felt undercooked. His Salvatore Dali biopic never got off the ground and he’s been attached to every project imaginable, including a non-Twilight Stephanie Meyer adaptation. With a very young cast, including Amanda Seyfried and Justin Timberlake, he seems to be shooting for Meyer’s audience. But the plot — about a future where everyone is immortal and time is traded as currency — is fascinating.

Poetry (South Korea, dir. Lee Chang-dong)
If the reviews out of last year’s Cannes Film Festival are to be believed, Poetry should be as richly textured as Lee Chang-dong’s Secret Sunshine, which finally made it stateside last year. Lee, a novelist and former South Korean Minister of Culture and Tourism, just has a way with heartbroken characters. He doesn’t coddle them or his audience, but the compassion just oozes off the screen. In this one, a lonely old woman rediscovers beauty through poetry.
Retreat (U.S./U.K., dir. Carl Tibbets)
Info about first-time director Carl Tibbets and co-writer Janice Hallett is hard to come by, but the cast and plot description for Retreat are tantalizing. Cillian Murphy and Thandie Newton play a couple who escape to an remote island to patch up their failing relationship. With the sudden arrival of a lone soldier, Jamie Bell, they learn news of a pandemic that’s threatening the rest of humanity. Sounds like an episode of "The Twilight Zone" or "Alfred Hitchcock Presents," but I like that. The cast, all three promising actors with apparently very lazy agents, should make for a good time.
Shame (U.K., dir. Steve McQueen)
Hunger was one of the best films I saw in 2009 and probably one of the best ever made. It's a sparse film that lays all of its cards out on the table one by one. It's subtle and unpretentious and has a lot to offer the patient viewer. I'm trying to temper my expectations for McQueen's sophomore film, about a freewheeling bachelor (Michael Fassbender) whose wayward sister (Carey Mulligan) comes to live with him. Haven't had much luck with that.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (U.K./France, dir. Tomas Alfredson)
This latest adaptation of John le Carré's Cold War spy novel replaces Alec Guinness with the perpetually under-utilized Gary Oldman. Colin Firth, Tom Hardy and Ciarán Hinds, meanwhile, are on hand in supporting roles. To top it all off, Let the Right One In author-director Tomas Alfredson is in the director's chair. I'm not as big a spy-fan as I am a hitman-fan, but this has the makings of an awesome film.
We Need to Talk about Kevin (U.K., dir. Lynne Ramsay)
She hasn't gotten nearly as much attention from audiences, or critics for that matter, as she should, but Lynne Ramsay is already among the modern maestros of film. Ratcatcher was a cruel and beautiful look at death and poverty through the eyes of a young boy. Morvern Callar, meanwhile, defies an easy description. It's been nine years since those films, which is an awfully long time to wait. Hopefully this one, about the mother (played by Tilda Swinton) of a teenaged mass murderer, will break through despite similarly difficult subject matter.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
All of the seizures
Not to rag on what is a pretty neat video or to imply that only Gaspar Noé is allowed to do the strobe typography thing, but Hype Williams owes the guy at least half his pay check for this one. Also, it's not included in the Daily Motion version, but I think the seizure disclaimer on Vevo is kind of awesome... and helpful.
All of the Lights,
Gaspar Noé,
Kanye West,
Music Video,
Friday, March 4, 2011
Herzog back in the Subarctic
Here's something I've heard nothing about previously, but it looks potentially awesome. As if Werner Herzog didn't have enough on his plate this year with a 3D cave documentary, he's narrated and re-edited a Russian doc about several hunters in the Taiga, or remote tundra and boreal forests of the Subarctic. For Happy People, he slashes Dmitry Vasyukov's original four-hour TV documentary down to 96 minutes and writes his own voice over. Admittedly, it reads like something of a bitch-slap to the original director, but it's not all that surprising coming from Herzog (of Grizzly Man and the similarly awesome Encounters at the End of the World). Besides, he's the best at narration. I could listen to him ramble all day. In fact, I might even pay him to narrate my life for a few days. Or not.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Return of Chen Zhen
Apple has posted the U.S. trailer for Legend of the Fist, Donnie Yen's first go at the Chen Zhen character. For background, the fictional martial artist has been around since 1972 (!!!) and has been played by the likes of Bruce Lee and Jet Li. This one actually looks pretty good and the trailer packs in the action. It comes to our shores April 22 (probably in limited release).
Bruce Lee,
Chen Zhen,
Jet Li,
Legend of the Fist,
martial arts,
movie trailer
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Uncle Boonmee welcomes you to an "odd and beautiful world"

The N.Y. Times has an exclusive video clip and an A.O. Scott review of Apichatpong "Joe" Weerasethakul's upcoming Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives. I generally don't give too much creedence to individual reviews, but Scott does a beautiful job of capturing the (presumed) magical realism of the film. More than even the trailer, which I previously posted, his review has me psyched to see the film.
Blunt comments and Libyan crackpots

Reuters has an interesting analysis of the most likely countries to experience an uprising similar to those that
Middle East,
Muammar Gaddafi,
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
All about the Elba

Lately, I've been playing catch up with some of the "meh" movies that I skipped last year. It's a common thing this time of year, when the most interesting Oscar bait has already been seen and the new releases include such gems as Justin Bieber: Never Say Never and Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son. Because there's nothing funnier than a family of cross-dressers and a 13-year-old documenting his life story.
One such leftover is Takers, which is actually a pretty cool flick. And not just because of the familiar blue and orange color scheme and the Rat Pack fedoras. Of course, the PG-13 rating means some pretty awkward tip-toeing around sensitive topics, such as drug addiction, and bloodless gun battles. The script is a little daft, too, with logic very often thrown to the wind.
What it does have is Idris fuckin' Elba.
I'm honestly not sure what else he has to do to get his own action series, a la Jason Statham's Transporter. So far, he's played post-apocalyptic nanny (28 Weeks Later), put up with biblical mumbo jumbo (The Reaping), occupied the same room as Denzel Washington for 30 seconds (American Gangster) and played a character named "Mumbles" (RocknRolla). At least he got to play it cool with crazy Beyonce and crazy Ali Larter in the "meh" Obsessed.
Is there no justice in the world? How is Stringer Bell not kicking ass and pulling in seven figures?
In Takers, he's not asked do a whole lot except be cool. And he has cool to spare. Even being surrounded by a decidedly uncool crew, including wife beater Chris Brown, Sinatra wannabe Hayden Christensen and shifty-eyed Michael Ealy, doesn't diminish it. Gunplay doesn't faze him. Neither does explosions. Or *spoiler* a backstabbing T.I. Not even a heist-foiling, drug addict sister (Without a Trace's Marianne Jean-Baptiste) throws him off his game.
Hollywood, you're on notice. Idris Elba needs a Steve McQueen-quality film, sans the poser entourage. Pronto.
Idris Elba,
Stringer Bell,
The Wire
Jane Russell, 1921-2011
Jane Russell, the buxom brunette who was plucked from doctor's office obscurity by Howard Hughes for the censor-provoking The Outlaw, died of respiratory failure today. She was 89.
In my mind, she wasn't a particularly good actress, but she was a more than adequate foil for Robert Mitchum in His Kind of Woman, one of my favorite not-quite noirs. (Too bad there aren't many good clips to choose from, but the one above is as good as any.) In that film, as well as two other early '50s noirs The Las Vegas Story and Macao (again with Mitchum), she held the camera's attention. Interestingly, Vincent Price showed up in two of those three (Woman and Vegas), as well.
There's an easy confidence to her performances that I have a feeling was all Russell. She is a big reason why these low-rent pictures are fun to watch. Her chemistry with Mitchum, in particular, is knowing and playful in ways that Bogie/Bacall could never be, given how doctored the scripts for those bigger budget flicks were.
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